
”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~ 第10話 August, 1984 --Chapter 10 --

Melba and I were in chairs near the stage of the show-restaurant in which no one else was present. Despite a few large windows, it was rather dim inside the restaurant because of the tall, leafy trees surrounding the building. And affected…



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”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~ 第9話 August, 1984 --Chapter 9 --

The next day, I was on a street, casting my eyes at the letters in black and red on the back of Melba’s tee shirt, which read ‘I ♥ NINOY!" The former Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr. had been assassinated in August the previous year. So it ha…

再掲載:第20回 ヘメット カリフォルニア

どんな退職後の暮らしを考えていますか ---------- カリフォルニア州内の駐車場でコネティカット州とカリフォルニア州、ペンシルヴェニア州の3台の車が隣同士で並んでいるところを目撃する確率というのは、統計学的にいえば、いったいどのぐらいなのでしょ…

”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~

August, 1984 --Chapter 8 -- I was somehow finished with a half plate of the pansit Canton. Fortunately to me, Melba had not asked me any more questions during the meal.And that had given me back some composure. I had come to think, ‘She mu…

”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~

August, 1984 -- Chapter 7 -- The dormitory simply consisted of one big bedroom, which apparently had been remodeled from its original structure of two rooms, and a kitchenette. Girls were divided into two groups: One, chatting loud in the …

際掲載:第92回 英文小説の中ではいまだに公然と差別されています 2008/08/20  閲覧(312) 2008 11 08

<They were zero, nothing, merely rich and not very bright thieves, and further, the sort of "messengers" Carlos would avoid like lepers.> 上の一文は Robert Ludlum という作家が書いた "The Bourne Ultimatum" という小説の中にあったものです(…

再掲載:第183回 脚を組もう 自由になろう


再掲載:第15回 いやあ、ぶつけられてしまいました!

<2005年の12月に書いた文章です。事故が起こったのはカリフォルニア州リヴァーサイド郡のヘッメット市内でした> 今回は交通事故にあってしまったという話です。 長い文章ですが、アメリカでの交通事故の処理などに興味がある方は読んでください。 き…

”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~

第6話 August, 1984 --Chapter 6 -- It was after 3:30 a.m. already. The air outside Sakura’s building was still very damp. Few people were seen on the street right and left. Across the street, a taxi was waiting for Lisa who, in a simple whi…

ジャニ ーズ会見でわかった日本メディアと記者のヤバさ


”Drifting about in Dreams” ~Memoir of a Karaoke Singer~

第5話 August, 1984 -- Chapter 5 -- Takano-san left Sakura for his hotel -Ermita Apartment Inn- a little after midnight. I did not insist too many times that he should take a taxi on the way back since the hotel was in fact in a walking dis…