第377回 ジョン・グリシャムの小説の中で“忖度”は……

 John Grisham の小説“THE CONFESSION”(Dell)の中にこんな個所があります(PAPERBACK P284-P285)。

"Why don`t you just watch the video?"
"i didn`t ask for any suggestion, did I?" Wallcott snapped. "Just answer my questions."
"Sorry." The assistant took a breath. She was suddenly nervous and uneasy. Wallcott was listening, but he was also scheming. " He mentioned Drumm only to say that he`s never met him and he had nothing to do with the crime."
"He`s obviously lying. I`m not bothering the governor with this, and I want you to keep the video to yourself. I don`t have the time to look at it. Neither does the governor. You understand?"
She did not, but she nodded anyway.
Wallcott narrowed his eyes and frowned. "You do understand, don`t you?" he asked gravely. "This video stays in your computer."
"Yes, sir."
As soon as she left, Wallcott practically jogged to the office of Barry Ringfield, the governor`s chief spokesman and closest friend. The office suite was crawling with staff and interns, so they took a stroll down the hall.
After a few minutes of discussing their opinions, they agreed that the governor would not see the video. If Boyette was lying, then the video would be irrelevant and the right man was executed. But if Boyette was telling the truth, which they strongly doubted, and the wrong man was executed, the fallout could be messy. The only way to protect Governor Gill Newton was for one of them, or perhaps the assistant, to take the fall by admitting they sat on, or maybe even lost, the video. Gill Newton had never granted a reprieve in death case, and with the thrilling attention being stirred up by the Drumm case, he was noy about to back down now. Even if he watched the video, and even if he believed Boyette, he would not retreat.
Wayne and Barry walked to the governor`s office. They were expected there promptly at 4:00 p.m., two hours before the execution, and they would not tell the governor about the video.

  "He`s obviously lying. I`m not bothering the governor with this, and I want you to keep the video to yourself. I don`t have the time to look at it. Neither does the governor. You understand?" (ボイェットの自白は嘘だ。こんなことで知事を煩わせるつもりはない。そのヴィデオの存在を誰にも知られるな。そんなものを見る時間は俺にはないし、知事もそうだ。分かるな)
  「もしボイェットの自白が事実に反していたら、ヴィデオには何の意味もないし、真犯人が処刑されるだけだ。二人はそうだとは考えていないが、一方、もしボイェットが真実を告げているのなら、無実の人物が殺されることになり、その後の事態は混乱を極めるだろう。知事を守るためには、誰か一人、おそらくはアシスタントが、自分がヴィデオの存在を隠した、あるいは、それを紛失したということにして責めを負うしかない ( The only way to protect Governor Gill Newton was for one of them, or perhaps the assistant, to take the fall by admitting they sat on, or maybe even lost, the video.)」